51 research outputs found

    Análise genética em populações de Butia eriospatha (Mart. ex Drude) Becc utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD.

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    The objective of the present workwas to evaluate the weight gain in lambs using twosystems of parasite control in between 14/11/04 and14/03/05. Thirty four animals of the Ile de Francebreed where used in two groups of 17 animals(G1 and G2). The G1 group was evaluated at14-days interval using Famacha, diarrhea and bodycondition score and fecal exam (EPG) at the samefrequency being treated with moxidectin in casethey manifested any clinical sign. The G2 group wastreated with the same compound at 30-days interval.The correlation of Famacha 2, 3 and 4 and thevariables EPG and weight was of 0,903 and 0,662,respectively. The groups demonstrated no differenceon their final weight gain (P=0,110). There was thepredominance of the Haemonchus contortus speciesfor G1 (62,94%) and G2 (64,14%). The option totreat animals using the selective system reduced by87,5% the treatment cost when compared with thepreventive regime. The target selective treatmentusing the Famacha method allows a very efficientparasite control when there is a high prevalence ofthe parasite H. contortus. The data permit inferringabout the possibility to select less tolerant animalsduring a period of heavier parasite challenge.O objetivo do presente trabalho foiavaliar o ganho de peso em cordeiros utilizandoduas práticas de controle parasitário entre 14/11/04a 14/03/05. Trinta e quatro animais da raça Ile deFrance compuseram dois grupos de 17 animais (G1e G2). O grupo G1 foi avaliado em intervalos de 14dias utilizado o método Famacha, o escore de diarréia,exame de fezes (OPG) e o escore de condiçãocorporal na mesma freqüência, sendo tratados commoxidectina caso apresentassem comprometimentoclínico. O grupo G2 foi tratado com o mesmo princípioativo em intervalos de 30 dias. A correlação devalores Famacha entre 2, 3 e 4 e as variáveis OPGe peso foi de 0,903 e 0,662, respectivamente. Osgrupos não apresentaram diferença no ganho depeso total (P=0,110). Houve predominância da espécieHaemonchus contortus para G1 (62,94%) eG2 (64,14%). A opção de tratar os animais com osistema seletivo reduziu em 87,5% o custo do tratamento,quando comparado com o regime preventivo.O tratamento seletivo com o método Famachapermite um controle parasitário eficiente quandoexiste alta prevalência do parasita H. contortus. Estesdados permitem inferir sobre a possibilidade deseleção de animais menos tolerantes durante umperíodo de maior desafio parasitário

    Oral health-related quality of life of children with oral clefts and their families

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    Abstract Oral health problems can influence people's Quality of Life (QoL) because of pain, discomfort, limitations, and other esthetics problems, affecting their social life, feeding, daily activities, and the individual's well-being. Objective: To compare oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children with and without oral clefts and their families. Materials and Methods: 121 children aged from 2 to 6 years, from both sexes, enrolled in the treatment routine of the Pediatric Dentistry Clinics of a Dental School and a Hospital for Cleft Treatment were divided into two groups: Group 1 - children with cleft lip and palate; Group 2 - children without cleft lip and palate. The OHRQoL was assessed using the validated Portuguese version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (B-ECOHIS). The questionnaire was answered individually, only once, at a private place. Mann-Whitney U test was used to verify differences between groups. Spearman's Rho test was used to associate sex and age with quality of life. The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Results: According to the parents’ perception on the OHRQoL of children with and without cleft lip and palate, oral health of children with oral clefts (Group 1) had a statistically significant impact on OHRQoL. The correlation of sex with impact on OHRQoL did not show statistically significant differences. On the other hand, the higher the age the higher the impact on QoL. Conclusions: The group comparison revealed that the cleft lip and palate negatively impacted on OHRQoL of 2 to 6-year-old children and their parents


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    The objective of the present workwas to evaluate the weight gain in lambs using twosystems of parasite control in between 14/11/04 and14/03/05. Thirty four animals of the Ile de Francebreed where used in two groups of 17 animals(G1 and G2). The G1 group was evaluated at14-days interval using Famacha, diarrhea and bodycondition score and fecal exam (EPG) at the samefrequency being treated with moxidectin in casethey manifested any clinical sign. The G2 group wastreated with the same compound at 30-days interval.The correlation of Famacha 2, 3 and 4 and thevariables EPG and weight was of 0,903 and 0,662,respectively. The groups demonstrated no differenceon their final weight gain (P=0,110). There was thepredominance of the Haemonchus contortus speciesfor G1 (62,94%) and G2 (64,14%). The option totreat animals using the selective system reduced by87,5% the treatment cost when compared with thepreventive regime. The target selective treatmentusing the Famacha method allows a very efficientparasite control when there is a high prevalence ofthe parasite H. contortus. The data permit inferringabout the possibility to select less tolerant animalsduring a period of heavier parasite challenge.O objetivo do presente trabalho foiavaliar o ganho de peso em cordeiros utilizandoduas práticas de controle parasitário entre 14/11/04a 14/03/05. Trinta e quatro animais da raça Ile deFrance compuseram dois grupos de 17 animais (G1e G2). O grupo G1 foi avaliado em intervalos de 14dias utilizado o método Famacha, o escore de diarréia,exame de fezes (OPG) e o escore de condiçãocorporal na mesma freqüência, sendo tratados commoxidectina caso apresentassem comprometimentoclínico. O grupo G2 foi tratado com o mesmo princípioativo em intervalos de 30 dias. A correlação devalores Famacha entre 2, 3 e 4 e as variáveis OPGe peso foi de 0,903 e 0,662, respectivamente. Osgrupos não apresentaram diferença no ganho depeso total (P=0,110). Houve predominância da espécieHaemonchus contortus para G1 (62,94%) eG2 (64,14%). A opção de tratar os animais com osistema seletivo reduziu em 87,5% o custo do tratamento,quando comparado com o regime preventivo.O tratamento seletivo com o método Famachapermite um controle parasitário eficiente quandoexiste alta prevalência do parasita H. contortus. Estesdados permitem inferir sobre a possibilidade deseleção de animais menos tolerantes durante umperíodo de maior desafio parasitário

    Bite Force Determination In Children With Primary Dentition.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the bite force with primary dentition in 30 children with normal occlusion (group I), cross bite (group II) and open bite (group III). The magnitude of the bite force was determined through a pressurized transmitter tube (pressure sensor MPX 5700 Motorola), which was connected to a converse analog/digital electronic circuit. The children bit the tube with maximum force three times successively for 5 s, with a 10 s interval among each bite, and the sign was sent directly to the computer. The highest value of the three, for each patient, was considered. Analysis of variance evaluated difference among the three groups. The means of maximum bite force were 213 17, 249 63 and 241 19 N for the groups, respectively, and there were no significant statistical differences among them (P > 0.05). The analysis of correlation showed that the weight, height and bite force presented weak positive correlation (r=0.24 and 0.23). It was concluded that in the studied groups the type of occlusion did not affect the maximum values of the bite force and body variables had a small influence in this magnitude.291174-8
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